Friday, November 21, 2008

Pirate Lucy and Slimmy Jimmy

Today you all will get to meet Slim Jim, he is our Pug/Min Pin mix from the Pug rescue. He is a true trooper, the rescue found him starving on the streets of St. Louis and he has now found his way to our home. He definately has some anger management issues and anyone who knows him can attest to but we love him all the same. I hope you enjoy!!! And of course we will end this post with the adorable Pirate Pug being her usual cutie patutie self!!!
See I told you he had some anger management issues!!!!
Slim Jim tries to act like he is the boss, but we all know Pugs Rule The Roost!!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Pirate Lucy Sleeps Like a Bat. . . .

If you start from the bottom of this post and work your way up you will see that pirate lucy is somewhat batty, only lucy could sleep hanging off a pillow upside down and then proceed to make it look cute and walk up and say HELLO!!!!!

She is literally sound asleep in this pic, I was sitting in front of her and she was content as can be and didn't budge when I got up to snap the cute pics.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Pirate Pug whines for Daisy. . . .

The Pirate Pug Lucy strikes again, this time you meet Daisy our Great Dane Pup, and when we say pup we mean 3 and a half year old and 200 pounds, but she is the biggest baby out of the group, she is the only big dog in a pack of ankle biters and I don't think she has any Idea how large she really is, she is afraid of everything, except strangers in the dark, then you don't want to mess with her. But in the video you will see Pirate Lucy whining because she wants the bone that Daisy Mae has, it is just too cute. . .

Sleeping Pugs Strike . . . . They Really Do Love Each Other . . . .

The Pirate Pug Lucy and Puggy really do love each other, it is as if they have waited their whole lives for each other and now they can truly be happy together, soul mates of the dog kind if you will. Despite almost a 7 year age difference, they are nearly inseparable, and it is too cute because Lucy has really brought Puggy back to the splendor of the young pup he used to be, it is as though she reminded him what life was supposed to be like when you are young and full of energy, or how to truly sleep in peace, and in a Pugs world sleeping in peace means sleeping with both eyes closed, something they very rarely do!!!!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Meet Furby, The Chew Toy

Pirate Pug Lucy strikes again, the latest conquest is Furby, the fifth member of our pack, also a rescue dog he is a full shih tzu, and the only dog in the pack that actually acts like a dog, but the highlight of his day is when Lucy will decide that it is time to use his ears as a chew toy, they both absolutly love it. . . .

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Sleeping Pug Strikes Again! ! !

The Pirate Pug Lucy is just too cute when she is sleeping, you will also be introduced to the rest of our pack through out this blog, we love them all, but Lucy has changed them and us all!!!!
Lucy On The Back of The Couch The Oldest Member of Our Pack, Puggy, In Front!! See I Told You She Will Look Up and Acknowledge Me Every Once In A While!!!

Such a Beautiful Blue Eye!!

The Sleeping Pug Begins. . . .

We love our Pirate Pug (we adopted her from a shelter with only one eye so she is always ready for Halloween), but she is kind of a camera whore. If she is awake and you try to take her picture she will do anything from try to eat the camera to just completely spazing out. But when she is asleep she is little miss photogenic, she will look up with her one eye and acknowledge you but then it's right back to her world of slumber so that you can shoot away! She is just too cute and I will be sharing her cuteness with you all in the future.